Services setup guides

Setup a web server or an IRC bouncer on your nifty ARM board.

HTTP Web server

SliTaz ARM can be turned into a powerful web server, since the included Busybox HTTPd daemon has some limitations, we recommend using the light and fast 'lighttpd' package with modules, CGI and advanced configuration support:

# spk-add lighttpd

You can reach your server with the IP address of the machine or from the machine itself via the localhost URL (link below). And you can have some stats and the server status by adding 'server-status' to the server URL, example with the loopback IP address:

server root   : http://localhost
Server status :

On demand FTP server

This setup guide will use the small Busybox ftpd applet and inetd daemon to run the FTP server only when needed. The setup uses very little system resources and the server can handle hundreds of files. The root directory is where the FTP files are or will be stored. Open inetd.conf with a text editor:

# editor /etc/inetd.conf

And add the following line at the bottom of the config file or search and uncomment the line starting with #ftp:

ftp  stream    tcp   nowait   root   ftpd   ftpd -w /home/share/ftp

We chose to store FTP files in /home/share/ftp, but you are free to use the folder you want. Now restart the inetd daemon to include your new settings:

# /etc/init.d/inetd restart

Finally use a web browser to test the services. As usual, you must use the local IP address of the server or connect from localhost:

FTP server: ftp://localhost/

IRC bouncer setup

The goal is to stay connected to your favorite IRC channels. And playback the IRC messages when you are back online. To setup the IRC bouncer we are going to use a SliTaz RPi base or desktop system combined with ZNC. First off install the package and create a configuration file:

# spk-add znc
# znc --makeconf

The ZNC server will listen on port 1025 to provide the web interface. To start or kill the ZNC bouncer server:

# znc
# killall znc

Low resources NTP server

SliTaz Busybox multi-tool binary provides a built-in NTP (Network Time Protocol) client/server. If you have many machines in a local network that need to keep system clocks up-to-date, it may be useful to setup your own NTP server to serve traffic to the web. To start the NTP daemon using '' server as reference:

# ntpd -l -p

You can add this command to the boot script /etc/init.d/ to start the daemon on each boot. Then from another local machine you just have to edit /etc/rcS.conf to set NTPD_HOST with the IP address of your NTP server. You can also test the server with:

# ntpd -q -p