List of common SliTaz ARM applications. This is a far from complete list but focused on one tool for one task. Use 'spk-find package' to find packages.
- Cmdline music player: mpg123
- Ncurses/GUI music player: mpl123
- GTK/GUI music player: alsaplayer
- Sound mixer: alsamixer
- Audio decoder: decode (MP3, OGG, etc)
- Video player: mplayer
- Audio/Video tool: ffmpeg (record, convert, stream)
To listen to all audio files in a directory you can use:
$ mpg123 Music/*
- FLTK/GUI web browser: dillo
- Web browser: links (gui or cmdline)
- Cmdline web browser: lynx
- Cmdline IRC client: tazirc
- Network mapper: nmap
- All SliTaz ARM flavors provide the Busybox HTTPd daemon
- Web server: lighttpd
- Audio server: mpd
- SSHd server: dropbear
- VNC server: x11vnc
To start a server daemon at boot time you must edit the configuration file: /etc/rcS.conf and add the daemon name to the RUN_DAEMONS variable. Example to start the HTTPd daemon from the command line:
# startd httpd
X Window
- Default desktop powered by jwm with panel and menu
- Window manager: openbox
- Desktop environment: enlightenment (e17)
- Desktop wallpaper: hsetroot
- X Desktop panel: tint2
- Desktop launch bar: wbar2
- GTK Panel & launch bar: lxpanel
- The duly famous SHell scripting
- Python programming language
- Ncurses dialog scripts
- Lua programming language
- Ruby with gems support
- Nasm/Yasm netwide assembler
- Scratch development environment
- Yad GTK scripting
Dialog lets you create fast Ncurses interfaces using a SHell script coding style. Here is a short example to run from the cmdline:
$ dialog --msgbox "Hello World!" 8 32