SliTaz ARM ================================================================================ SliTaz ARM tools and files Build tools installation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install 'sat' and 'sat-rpi' you need to have make installed or copy the 2 files to /usr/bin: # make install Sat quickstart -------------- Sat is a tool in the spirit of all SliTaz tools, all commands and options are accessible via: sat usage or help. To create a distro you first need to have some ARM packages. You can use custom cook or the one from the SliTaz mirror. Put all your custom *.tazpkgs in the packages/ directory and sat will install them. To use the official packages you need to sync the mirror with: # sat mirror Generate the distro initramfs with your custom --options: # sat gen --flavor=base --kmap To boot the distro with Qemu you can run: # sat emu ARM packages mirror -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat lets you clone the ARM cooking mirror to let you debug and try official ARM packages. Sat will create a mirror directory in the working path and download all lists and packages. After a first clone it will only check the repo ID file and download any modified or new packages. Custom SliTaz system files: rootfs/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Custom SliTaz ARM scripts and files used to generate a distro. These files and any other system files can be erased or added via the flavors support. The rootfs files can also be directly modified before generating a new distro. The rootfs/ files are all packaged into: slitaz-configs-*.tazpkg CGI Admin web interface: cgi-adm/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Very small and fast CGI SHell admin/info web interface for ARM devices with plugins support. The goal is not to rewrite TazPanel but to have a light CGI toolkit to code specific ARM devices plugins such as boot configs for the Raspberry Pi. In the plugins directory you will find a skeleton to start your custom plugin. You can also create general purpose or hardware specific plugins. The root directory is: /var/www/adm and the default web server is Busybox HTTPd. So just start the web server and connect to the IP address of your machine: # startd httpd URL form: http://192.rpi.ip/adm/ On SliTaz i486 you can also use Busybox HTTPd and install the cgi-adm files under /var/www and code directly then copy or upload your plugin to your ARM devices. # make install-cgi Bugs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please report bugs on the SliTaz Bug Tracker: History -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While I was porting SliTaz to ARM I ended up by creating a lot of initramfs' to test the SliTaz boot, packages and so on. So I first wrote a small script, then improved it by just having to put include packages in a single directory and all custom files in a rootfs directory. I also wanted virtual disk support so I can code under Qemu and save my work. This is how sat was born, one day we may use TazLito or have a new SliTaz Live tool, but for the time being 'sat' and the way it works fits all my needs to build custom distros and then boot with qemu-system-arm. - Pankso 24 May 2012 ================================================================================